Friday, February 19, 2010

I can officially say that Damon is now sleeping through the night! Woohoo! The reason I say officially is, there were nights here and there that he would sleep through the night, just to get my hopes up. Then he would go right back to waking up every night. But he has now consistantly slept through the night for I would say a couple of weeks now. Lets just say I am alot less grumpy nowadays! Way to go Damon!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today for the first time ever, Damon fell asleep on his own. Woohoo!! Normally I have to hold him and pat his back to get him to fall asleep, but today at his nap time, I decided just to put him in bed while he was still awake, and just let him cry it out. Thankfully he didn't cry at all and just went to sleep. (This is a HUGE accomplishment in my book. It is so hard to get him to sleep, and alot of times when I finally do get him to sleep, as soon as I lay him down he wakes up.) Now I just need to get him to do this in the middle of the night when he wakes up! Fingers crossed!!
Damon is really smiling and laughing now. He has been smiling occasionally here and there, but now he smiles all the time. When he sees my face he gets this huge grin. Its so cute and very rewarding. And also just the other day, Terry was putting him in his jammies for the night and accidently touch his armpit. He started giggling like crazy. At first I thought he was starting to fuss a little bit, but then I realized he was laughing. So now everytime I change him I tickle his armpit a little.